Circulation Tea ~
Supports a healthy Circulatory System. Contains plant flavonoids that help to increase circulatory function, improve blood circulation and vein walls. Helps to prevent blood clots, keeping our heart healthy.
Ingredients: Goldenrod herb, Linden flowers and leaf, Eleuthero root, Ginkgo leaf, Parsley root, Peppermint leaf
Brewing Instructions:
There are two different methods for brewing herbal teas: Infusions & Decoctions.
Infusions are teas made from the leaves, flowers and other light plant materials.
Decoctions are brewed from the bark, root, twigs, berries and seeds. Following are brewing directions for both:
- Tea Infusion - (Infusion = Tea made from leaves, flowers and light material)
Put 1-2 teaspoons of herbs into a brewing utensil of your choice and place in a 6-8 oz size cup. Add 6-8 oz of boiling water and allow to steep for up to 3-5 minutes. Increase the quantity of material accordingly if using a teapot. For a stronger medicinal steep increase the amount of herbs up to 1 tbsp. Will keep refrigerated for 24 hours. Herbal Teas taste great warm or iced!
- Tea Decoction - (Decoction = Tea made from bark, roots, seeds, twigs and berries)
Put 1-3 tablespoons of cut herb, seed, root, bark, etc into a pot of 16-32 oz of water and allow to sit in cool water for at least 5-10 minutes. Bring water to a slow boil then turn down to a simmer for 10-30 minutes. The time depends on the strength of tea that you enjoy. Strain and drink. Will keep for approximately 72 hours if kept refrigerated.