Herbal Goddess Yoni Steam

$4.20 - $39.90
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Herbal Goddess Yoni Steam ~
Soothe & Revitalize your reproductive system with the ancient practice of yoni steaming. 
• Steaming is gentle and simply involves sitting over a pot of herbal steam. 
• Steaming can be done before and after menstrual cycle.  
• Improves menstrual cycle, reduce discomfort, bloating, cramps, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, ovarian cysts and fibroids.
• Assist in healthy conception and excellent after giving birth. 
Trying to conceive? Steam after menstrual cycle until the point of ovulation then stop. Steaming after insemination could interfere with sperm, fertilization or implantation.
Ingredients: Chamomile, Rue, Rose, Motherwort, Red Raspberry Leaf
Warning: Do not steam during pregnancy.